A wedding is a time of reverence and joy, celebration and consecration. We are pleased to help you plan your wedding service and hope that it truly will be a holy moment and special day for you.
We will strive in all of the above to honor both the wishes of the bride and groom and our understanding of our Christian heritage.

Weddings are performed at St. Paul’s UCC Church for church members, their family members and residents of the Northern Illinois area.

Wedding Arrangements
After you have decided on your wedding date and time, please call our church office (815-459-5096) to schedule a pre-wedding conference with our pastor, at which time the wedding date will be confirmed. The pastor will schedule additional counseling sessions.

Your wedding will not be formally accepted and placed on the church’s calendar until after meeting with one of our pastors.

If you wish to leave the altar flowers for the Sunday worship services, please sign the flower chart at this time.

The pastor of our church will officiate at all weddings held at St. Paul’s UCC Church. When it is the wish of the bride and groom to have another pastor (example: relative of family, or family pastor) assist in the service, this should be made known to our pastor, who will issue an invitation to the guest pastor. The pastors require three pre-marital counseling sessions to prepare for the wedding. Do not expect the pastor to attend the Rehearsal Dinner and Reception. Feel free to invite them, but realize the demand on their schedule may not allow their attending.

No flash photographs may be taken during the service except by the professional photographer during the processional and recessional. Available light photos are permitted during the service. Photographers and videographers are requested to stay clear of the chancel area during the ceremony. Video cameras are allowed to be used from a tripod at a prearranged location. There is a time limit for photography following the ceremony.

Rice, Birdseed, etc.
Rice, including “wedding rice,” confetti and steamers are NOT permitted either inside the church building or on the church grounds. Birdseed and bubbles may be used only in the area of the front walk and driveway, not inside the building. Fresh rose petals are not permitted inside the church building.

Receptions may be held in St. Paul’s Fellowship Hall, providing there is a St. Paul’s church member as sponsor.  A St. Paul’s church member must be present during the entire event and assume responsibility for the Hall.

No alcoholic beverages permitted in the church buildings or on the church grounds. Smoking is not permitted in the buildings, only outside where a receptacle is provided.

Wedding Committee/Coordinator
A member of St. Paul’s church wedding committee will be available to answer any questions you may have about church facilities or details of wedding procedures.

You will receive a questionnaire 6-8 weeks before your ceremony to provide us with information necessary for the arrangements.

All wedding fees must be paid 30-days in advance of the wedding.

For further information, please contact the church office.