Sunday Worship

St. Paul's UCC and Online 485 Woodstock St., Crystal Lake, IL, United States

Game Day

Fellowship Hall

Join us in Fellowship Hall from 11 am to 1 pm for some fun, food and fellowship. We will have Bingo for the adults and trivia for the kids. A […]


5th Sunday of Lent Service

St. Paul's UCC and Online 485 Woodstock St., Crystal Lake, IL, United States

Sunday Worship

St. Paul's UCC and Online 485 Woodstock St., Crystal Lake, IL, United States

Maundy Thursday Service

St. Paul's UCC 485 Woodstock St., Crystal Lake, IL, United States

Good Friday Service

St. Paul's UCC 485 Woodstock St., Crystal Lake, IL, United States

Easter Egg Hunt

St Paul’s UCC Church Easter Egg Hunt will take place outside the church. Organizer: Ann Lingner [email protected]

Easter Sunday Service

St. Paul's UCC and Online 485 Woodstock St., Crystal Lake, IL, United States