When giving to St. Paul’s UCC, all donations go into our General Fund. However, you may designate some or all your giving into a specific fund, if you choose to do so.
Choose your donation amount or enter that information followed by selecting a donation frequency (either a one time donation, weekly, monthly, etc.) and specific fund, if you choose. The giving option also allows you to set up recurring donations.
Donating Options: Use the link below to Realm or use the Text method. or contact the church office to have a link sent to your email.
This service also provides automatic weekly, monthly or quarterly donations or one time dontations. Text to give Text 73256 where you can provide your offering or donate to a group, among other things.
Example: Text to: 73256 then type: STPAUL $(your dollar amount) to give to Contributions using your text messaging. Standard text message rates do apply. (Note….be sure to leave a space after “STPAUL,” then type $and amount.)
Or scan / take a picture of the QR code with your cell phone to get directed to the REALM site.
Thank you so much for supporting St. Paul’s and our ministries.