Participating In Worship
Our Greeters and Ushers
We would like to Greet You!
Our Greeters are at the sanctuary doors before the start of each service. Greeters welcome members, friends, and visitors alike and set the stage to make your worship time a postive experience.
OUR ushers will assist you once you enter the sanctuary for Sunday worship. They will provide you with an “order of worship” bulletin. Also, if you need any type of assistance before, during, or after a worship service, please contact an usher, who will be identified with an “usher” nametag.
If there is any type of building emergency on a Sunday, such as a tornado warning and/or a fire, the ushers have been trained in guiding the parishioners to safety.
If you are interested in becoming an usher or a greeter, please call the church office at 815-459-5096, or email the church here.

Gordon and Cheryll Triefenbach collecting the offering

Lay Readers
Lay Readers participate in worship by assisting the pastor and read throughout the service. Our lay reader is a person who conducts parts of the worship service that are not required of a priest or minister. Our lay readers rotate schedules with others and many participate in this role a few times a year.
If you are interested in becoming a lay reader, contact the church here.

Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is currently comprised of members who are in charge of preparing communion, and keeping the pew boxes filled with regular and current information.
The committee is in charge of decorating the sanctuary and narthex for Easter and Christmas, with help from the congregation.
We encourage people to sign up to put flowers on the altar on Sunday to honor or memorialize a family member, event or friend. Those arrangements are a beautiful addition to the worship service. A sign up list is on a wall in the narthex to the right of the sanctuary doors.
Meetings are held when there are decisions to make, but there is not a regular meeting time.
Please contact the church here if you’d like to be part of the Altar Guild.